You know, this post really helped open my mind...

I had previously been locked into a lot of ways of black-and-white thinking around certain subjects. Even after openly dissenting, there's still a passive voice in the back of my head telling me I have to follow the views of the side I used to belong to. Take police violence, I assumed I could only see it revolving around race, everything tied back to race, and the only different takes on it would be different race-related solutions coming from anti-racism activists who disapproved of the most commonly seen tactics. I never thought to consider guns as even a part of it.

Or, in general, looking at all the moving parts of society as a whole, and how different practical solutions may affect them. All I knew for years was "identity politics."

As a conservative, I'm happy to find we have a lot of common ground! Thank you for sharing this piece.

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Thanks, Margo. I was just reading the piece that Coddling shared of yours. Thanks for checking out my piece and giving your thoughts. I do find it surprising, shocking even, how little liberals/Democrats talked about guns about the source of our comparatively high rates of police violence, especially considering how much it's talked about otherwise. But I think that's a reflection of how powerful polarization/conflict dynamics are; there was a pressure to only talk about it from the angle condoned by the group (identity/race). If you're interested, I have this two-part talk I had with a politically liberal police captain about policing issues: https://behavior-podcast.com/understanding-the-behavior-of-police-who-use-excessive-force-with-retired-police-captain-james-mitchell/

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Oh, hey… You’ve seen my work, that’s awesome! Thanks for giving it a read.

It’s so important to have a big variety of perspectives included so we don’t miss anything when trying to break down different issues. Thanks for sharing that resource.

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Thanks for this piece. I am a psychologist and Jungian analyst who works with couples and adult pairs to break through polarization. We use the term “projective identification” to talk about the emotional entanglement of assuming that you know someone else’s intentions and feelings (without asking them) — meaning you attribute their motives to them. All humans have strong emotional needs to control others in order to get their own needs met. This kind of interaction begins in infancy before we have words, but then after we have language, we lay the words on top of the emotions and we criticize, attack, destroy, defeat and even kill others because we believe “they” need to be controlled. “We” are morally superior. Moral superiority is one of the biggest problems for human beings and it’s connected to politics, opinions, religion and now has been connected to “calling-out culture” that ruins people on the internet. Cognitive science has demonstrated that humans are about 95% unconscious most of the time. Have a look at Kathryn Schulz’s book “Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margins of Error” and you will see that people are wrong about what they saw, heard, and remember a majority of the time. So in addition to the hatred and enmity that is generated by polarization, it generates a lot of errors and mistakes and truly dehumanizing views of other people. The only possibility of true problem-solving once polarization has gotten going, and there is defensiveness, moral superiority and mistake-making all around, is to gain an ability to lower emotional threat and work with one’s own seeing/hearing/feeling. At the Center for Real Dialogue (www.realdialogue.org), a new non-profit start-up where I am Executive Director, we are assembling a wide array of courses to teach the Skill of Real Dialogue which is Speaking for Yourself, Listening Mindfully, and Remaining Curious. We also teach about learning from our defeats and failures and remaining modest about what we know because we are often wrong. Political differences are often a matter of style, level of development, and family or other influences. There will never be just one side that is correct because of the nature of being human: we are often wrong, we like to control each other, and we can see only a narrow range of any reality as individuals. We need each other to solve our problems. We need to speak and listen mindfully in order to work with our own minds, especially once conflicts get going. There’s a long road to reckoning with how wrong we are and I appreciate your work, Zach, in trying to wake up the liberals to their one-sidedness. We need both sides of all human perspectives because we so one-sided, by our nature.

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Hi, Zach! 😊

I came back to this post and reread it with more focused attention (due to more leisure this time around) and want to compliment your extensive research and making the links available to look at for ourselves.

It will take a couple of more readings to fully digest all you offer here, but I wanted to "Thank You" for sharing your perspectives and coupling them with so many references.

As a Conservative leaning voter, there are definitely some particular observations you share that I would expand on to add further dimension. That being said, I appreciate your SINCERE EFFORTS to help Americans attempt to COMMUNICATE for BETTER UNDERSTANDING.

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Reading this again, Rita, I think I know what you'd object to. I think you'd likely want more explanation of how Republican voters perceive a lot of toxicity/aggression on the part of the left. If I were to write this again, I'd focus on that more (and I may shortly add more of that in this piece). This was written a while ago and I think my way of explaining it would now be improved and do a better job channeling Republican-side frustrations (like the ones you've shared with me). Just to say: I'm always improving at this work.

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Thanks, Rita; and yes, it was definitely a rudimentary and quick attempt at helping liberals see what they might be missing (even as I felt like it went on way too long). Only so much I can include in shorter arguments, but that said I definitely would hugely appreciate any fine-grained notes on what I said, as that will always help me see things I might be missing (for example, if I'm speaking wrongly about what you see as conservative-side beliefs overall). Thanks again!

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I think you know me well, Zach. 😄 You hit the nail on the head. 😉

It’s been interesting for me as of late. I try to be very conscious about not coming across with a mean-spirited, unkind voice because (as you well know) that is a big CONCERN and Pet Peeve of mine. When having a conversation with ANYONE I have GREAT DIFFICULTY in excusing ugliness toward another human being.

That being said, I’m finding a more ASSERTIVE VOICE and have made an abundance of comments expressing difficult feelings. I’ll share some of those with you for your HONEST CRITIQUE. ☺️

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Oct 24Edited
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Hey there, "Harry". Sounds like you have a lot of self-knowledge about how you have inaccurate views, and about how the cycle of conflict; I'd be curious to hear why you think even with all that knowledge you can't break free of the high-conflict type beliefs. Would you be up for going into more detail on that? Or would you be up for talking (can be anonymously if you want, of course) about the things you wrote?

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Hey Zach, this is a deeply unwell individual who has never agreed with me but has only sent me death threats and suicide threats for years, as well as sending the same to others he perceives as being in my orbit. His verbiage and word choices are quite distinct.

I think what you are demonstrating here is that your both-siderism leads you to agree with and platform deeply unwell people in order to demonstrate your own personal sense of correctness.

Please continue to get bent, but at least I can now block this asshole on another platofrm.

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You should consider writing about this for your blog; I just hope you link to this piece to show your readers the context and my responses. I think it would be a good discussion topic; getting people to examine the cycle of conflict and how they might be contributing. I hope you do write about this; I think it's a valuable discussion that too few people are willing to have.

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I think you should stop offering to platform the unhinged stalker that has been harassing me actually. If I don’t do decide to write about it, it will be within the context of this, and the sort of thing that your toxic “anti-polarization” bullshit actually does.

But I’m certainly not going to give you the oxygen by naming you, you sleazy huckster.

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How do you see me as platforming this person? I wanted to talk to him (privately) because I am curious about extremism and radicalization (in the same way as I've talked to other people privately, on the left and the right, about such topics). If I did anything with it, it would be about combatting extremism and hate. You know that there are many people who transcend their previous hate/radicalization and later are able to help people see things in more reasonable ways. Is it possible that this person might be one of those people? I don't know, but that's what I was curious about.

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A.R. Moxon,

Please allow me to begin in a civil tone with a sincere question.

“Why so bitter about Depolarization?”

Do you desire to live in a country marked by hatred and self-interest?

I read the conversation with the individual of whom you’re talking, and I am disappointed to hear that you and your friends have been put through so much. No one deserves to have their sense of security upset, regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on.

As Zach points out, this is an individual who has been deeply hurt by the Vitriolic language and attacks SOLEY DUE to exercising his Right as an American Citizen to vote for his Candidate of Choice (which is supposed to be) free of undue pressure to do otherwise.

That HAS BEEN the beauty of a FREE America. I pray that it continues.

Hate begets Hate and Violence begets Violence. That, I believe was the message that Zach is trying to get across to you.

I VERY MUCH appreciate what Zachary Elwood does to encourage CIVIL and CURIOUS conversations.

Zach and I are not politically aligned on all issues. but I have come (over a period of time) to respect and trust his voice. I’m THANKFUL for all those Brave and Selfless enough to attempt to help heal our divides.

I hope you’ll be part of the solution and not enflame the problem.

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Zach is an obnoxious huckster and the other guy (or somebody who sounds exactly like him) has been threatening me and others near me for years. Both are serial harassers in their own way. That’s all I’ve got to say on the matter. I’m not looking for a dialogue with you about it. If you truly want to know what I think about “depolarization” and many other things you should feel free to read the essays I have written here about it.

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I think it’s clear he’s been unwell; sounds like even he sees that. I also think you have talked about Trump supporters in inaccurate and insulting ways, and that’s a factor in amplifying tension and anger. Both these things can be true.

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I think you should be willing to self-examine and see how your worst-case framings about Trump supporters play a role in amplifying contempt and fear and anger. It's as simple as that. You should be more curious about the things I write about in the article above.

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Oct 24Edited
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I understand not wanting to talk about this. But if you ever change your mind, let me know. I think we could have a good discussion, as I do feel I understand how deranging it is to read hateful/threatening comments online. I think we'll look back years from now and realize that interacting with hateful people online is much more deranging an influence than we think, and played a big role in deranging a lot of great minds at this point in time. If we make that far as a society/species...

If you did want to talk, it could even be in the form of me sending you questions via an anonymous email address and you responding, something like that. Really whatever you'd like, as I think you have important insights to share that I think people seldom talk about for various reasons. (Either they remain in the same dark place and don't get insight into it; or it gets worse; or they get to a better place like you and don't want to talk about it out of embarassment). Just to say I think talking about these darker, less talked about things is important and if you'd be up for it in whatever form, you might help make people's lives a little brighter; and help people see that insulting and threatening people online comes with a price.

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